Saturday, May 23, 2009

Vacation and the Aftermath

We had a FANTASTIC time in Florida. We spent a few precious days with my Mom, which is something we just don't get the opportunity to do often. It was so great just to spend time doing a whole lotta nothing--we played games, went on a picnic, read for hours...all very relaxing.

Then we headed to Seaside to meet up with friends for the weekend.

We spent a lot of time lying on the beach...

....hanging out with friends...

...enjoying time together...

...and Barry even got in a little practice, with one of our favorite little guys, Calvin...

It was a really great time, and we were all sad when it was time to leave.

Now we're home, and things are CRAZY! I was home about 48 hrs when I realized that we only have about 14 weeks until baby comes (or LESS!), which put me into a panic. Now I'm in full-on nesting mode and getting things ready for Henry's arrival. Walls are being painted, carpet is being replaced, bathrooms are being renovated (hopefully! if we can find a contractor), closets are being cleaned is sheer chaos around Chez Lancaster. But things are really starting to come together, and I love it!

We are beginning to realize just how much life is going to change once the baby is here, and it's scary and exciting all at once. And while we're smart enough to know there's not much we can do to REALLY prepare for all that change, we are trying to get as much settled here at home as we can before it happens.

Stay tuned for a little glimpse of what's happening in our home. Hopefully starting with a nursery!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Going Home

Tomorrow we start a much-needed vacation--nine days in Florida, some with family, some with friends. It's going to be great! This is the first time Barry and I have taken a week off at the same time since our honeymoon, and we are really looking forward to it.

When we get home we'll start the countdown to baby Henry!