Sunday, January 31, 2010


This weekend we had the biggest snow of Henry's short life...and his mom's long one!

Unfortunately we've both been under the weather, so we weren't able to really get out and enjoy it, but we did manage to snap a few pictures.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

5 Months Old!

Dear Henry,
Today you are five months old!

You are changing at warp speed these days--just today we were thinking back to Christmas and realizing how much you have changed even since then. Every day is something new.

Here are a few of the things we want to remember about you at this stage:
  • You are trying so very hard to roll from your back to your belly. It frustrates you, but you keep trying, and any day now you'll do it!
  • A couple of times you've been able to sit for a few seconds unassisted.
  • You have FINALLY started napping in your crib. Sometimes it's for 30 mins, sometimes an hour, but whatever it is we'll take it! This is a monumental achievement for you and we worked very hard to get here.
  • Instead of nursing or being rocked to sleep, we now put you down to bed awake and you go to sleep on your own.
  • You now have your very own "chair" at the table. You love your highchair and being able to join mom and dad for mealtime.
  • You recently got sick for the first time. :( We took you to the doctor and you were diagnosed with RSV. Although you were very sick you were such a little trooper and maintained your good nature. We are glad that's over!
  • You had your first--and second!--snowstorms. The second one was a good one, but, unfortunately, you were still not fully recovered from being sick so you didn't get to check out the snow in person.
  • Your new favorite thing to do is to touch our faces...sometimes not so gently.
  • Sophie is still your favorite love to chew her legs and nose.
  • You are getting more active by the day. You've really learned to love your toys and you love to play interactively with us, but you also love to play independently and can do so for 15-20 mins.

It's so hard to believe that soon you will have been with us for six months. Our lives have changed so much since you arrived and just when we think we've all settled into a new routine, you go and change on us! But we're learning to adjust quickly and to be flexible. We're also learning to enjoy the simple things in life. You may be little, but you're teaching us a lot.

We can't wait to see what the next month brings!
All our love,
Mom & Dad

Monday, January 18, 2010

4 Months Old!

Dear Henry,

I'm a little late with this entry, but you're getting older and a little more demanding of my time!

It's so incredibly hard to believe that you've been with us for four months already. I feel like this first year is flying by, and although I'm always excited for the next milestone, I sometimes wish we could freeze time and keep you just as you are right now. You are so adorable and your little personality is really shining. We love you so much and cherish every single hour with you (even in the middle of the night!).

Here are some things we want to remember about you at this age:

  • Your head and neck control is now very, very good. You sit in your Bumbo a lot and love it.
  • You sit very well assisted, but aren't ready to sit on your own yet.
  • You put full weight on your legs now and love to "stand" with our help.
  • You still occasionally roll from your belly to back, but not consistently. You haven't yet rolled from your back to your belly.
  • You giggle a lot...and you think your Dad is very silly.
  • You sleep very well at night. You eat your last meal around 7pm and are usually asleep by usually wake up once overnight to eat and then sleep until 6:30-7am. You still nurse to sleep and go down in your crib asleep.
  • On the other hand, you do NOT nap well. You won't nap in your crib at all--only on Mom 0r Dad or in the bouncy seat. We're working on it.
  • You ran your first fever after getting your 4-month shots. :(
  • You spent your first night away from home on Dec 18 when we stayed with Granny Diane at her house to celebrate Christmas. You did very well and slept just like you do at home.
  • You took your first road trip when we went to visit Granny Margaret in Florida for Christmas. You did very well until the last hour, when you decided you'd had enough of that car seat. Understandable.

It's been a very eventful are getting so much more active and doing so many new things all at once. We can't wait to see what next month brings!

All our love,

Mom & Dad