Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Feet and Other News

I'm starting off this entry with a couple of photos intended only to document Eleanor's "strawberry" birthmark (aka hemangioma). Our pediatrician tells us that it will start to fade in the next couple months and will eventually go away completely, so I want to make sure to remember it as it is now. I know that sounds kind of strange, but it's been so much a part of her life for the first few months...people stop us when we're out to ask about it (nosy people). It's very much a part of who she's been as a newborn/infant.

It started out as a very pale purple-ish spot on her leg. The nurses at the hospital thought it was a bruise caused by the security monitor worn on her leg, but the pedi told us it was a birthmark and would get darker and "raised" before starting to fade around six month.

Here it is:

In other news, Eleanor has discovered her feet! Soon to be followed, I'm sure, by chewing on her toes.

On Sunday we celebrated Barry's second Father's Day, and for the second year in a row we kicked off the celebration at his favorite restaraunt, Waffle House (aka Wawa House, thanks to Henry).

Henry loves it there because he can stand up in the booth and watch them cook his breakfast. Except this time he embarassed his mama by impatiently screaming "wawa!! wawa!!" at the line cook when she wasn't cooking his waffle fast enough for his liking.

(Barry's first Father's Day as a dad of two!)

Later in the day we hosted a family dinner with Granny Diane and Aunt Lisa (and Aunt Lisa's new "friend"). Dad was put to work at the grill and there was homemade chocolate cake and homemade ice cream at his request.

The next day Big Brother had his ear tubes inserted. Hopefully this is the end of the torturous ear infections.

Everyone in this household is crossing their fingers.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Daddy's Boy

My sweet boy is all about Daddy these days and Mama is chopped liver. If Daddy is in the house I'm not even allowed to serve him his food. I know maybe I should be a little hurt, but truthfully I love it. I love that they're so close and have so much fun together.

Lately, Eleanor has been watching them when they play together on the living room floor...I know soon she'll be right in the middle.

Four Months Old!

Sweet Baby Eleanor is four months old! It's so hard to believe. While it seems like just yesterday she was born, it also seems as though she's been part of our family all along.

She's a beauty, that one.

And an unfailingly happy baby.

Although there's still a lot of this going on:

Really hoping she outgrows that soon!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Big Boy!

We moved Henry into his new big-boy room Monday night.

This was a night I had been dreading for months, for many reasons (my baby is growing up too fast!), not the least of which is that several weeks ago we tried to put him down for a nap there and he screamed his bloody head off for 30 mins until we went and got him out.

But it had to be done. And we've been talking it up and talking it up ("Henry! I can't wait until you move into your big-boy room! Isn't this exciting? ::big grin::). And the time finally came, and Barry read him his stories and said his prayers and into the crib he went. And he fell asleep, just like that.


Eleanor's Four Month Stats

14 lbs 10 oz
24.75 inches
75th percentile for both

90th percentile for head circumfrence...big noggin, just like her mama. :)