Friday, August 29, 2008

True Colors

There are many things I could say about McCain's VP pick, but this is the one thing that stands out to me the most:

I am the onslaught of women judging Sarah Palin for her choice to be a strong, influential, working mother. It may not be the choice I would have made, but she seems to be a capable, confident woman, and I'm completely taken aback at the sheer number of what I thought were progressive women judging her for the choices she's made.



We had a fabulous time at the game last night. It was certainly a walk down memory lane...I haven't been to a Troy game since 2003.

The highlight of my night was chatting with Dr. John Long, the longtime, highly-revered director of bands. I could not believe my eyes when I saw him...I have no idea how old he is now, but I thought he was old as dirt when I was at Troy. He looks great! It was such a pleasure to talk to him and to Ralph Ford, the current director of bands, who was an assistant when I was at Troy.

And, of course, the halftime show was amazing. As always.

Oh, and the football game was awesome as well! Troy 31 MTSU 17!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Joys of Home Ownership

So our house has foundation problems.

We had a contractor come out to check it out step, I'm afraid, is a structural engineer. This could be big bucks, and I'm a little sick about it.

Hopefully our home insurance will cover all or some of the cost of repairs, depending on what they determine as the cause.

You can see in this photo the crack in the front exterior wall of our house (the bay window has shifted forward almost an inch).

The good news is that the damage seems to be limited to just the bay window, which, we're told, is not on the same foundation as the main structure of the house. The bad news is it's shifted significantly, and I'm afraid the entire window is going to fall out into the front yard!

Good times!

Monday, August 25, 2008

I Dream of Weenie!

This is where we had lunch yesterday:

Yes, we ate hot dogs served to us out of van. They were fabulous!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I'm so excited!! Next Thursday night a group of us are going to the Troy vs. MTSU football game!! It's going to be so much fun.

A bit bittersweet, though, because the last time I went to this game it was with my sweet Dad.

Nonetheless, I'm very excited--we're going to have a great time. And maybe there will be a trip to Toot's beforehand for fried pickles! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal!

Monday, August 18, 2008

No News....

Things are pretty quiet around Chez Lancaster. We're both focusing a lot of our energy on work right now, so there's not much else to report. We had our nephew again over the weekend. I reiterate that he's a great baby, but, still, keeping him makes me wonder if I'm really ready for parenthood (or if I ever will be!).

I've been traveling a lot to Memphis over the past few weeks (wait...didn't I quit my last, high-paying, job because of too much travel?!) and I'm headed there again tomorrow.

Other than that we're just trying to get through the last, lazy days of summer (heat!) and starting to anticipate fall (football season!).

We've had a few of those lazy, glorious weekends lately which remind me why I love living in Nashville. Saturday afternoon drinks on the patio at Jackson's, browsing the used books at Bookman Bookwoman, dinner with friends at Margot Cafe, a Sunday evening viewing of The Dark Knight and a juicy meal at Cheeseburger Charley's.

I do love this place.

Hope you are all enjoying the late summer bliss...