Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Joys of Home Ownership

So our house has foundation problems.

We had a contractor come out to check it out today...next step, I'm afraid, is a structural engineer. This could be big bucks, and I'm a little sick about it.

Hopefully our home insurance will cover all or some of the cost of repairs, depending on what they determine as the cause.

You can see in this photo the crack in the front exterior wall of our house (the bay window has shifted forward almost an inch).

The good news is that the damage seems to be limited to just the bay window, which, we're told, is not on the same foundation as the main structure of the house. The bad news is it's shifted significantly, and I'm afraid the entire window is going to fall out into the front yard!

Good times!

1 comment:

Ryan and Michelle said...

Just be sure not to hang out near the window so YOU don't fall out!