Monday, June 30, 2008

The View From Here...

Not much new to report here--wer're just sitting back, enjoying our summer.

Barry is, as of today, officially unemployed and LOVING it! Last Friday was actually his last day "on the job"--he's been riding for hours on end every day, which I don't mind, so long as he gets the laundry done. :) Seriously, I never knew how much I'd enjoy having a house-husband. It's almost as good as a house elf, I think! And I think The Luce has really loved having him home.

He's even cooked a few meals.

I, on the other hand, have been crazy busy at work. We are overwhelmingly short-staffed right now, so things are verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry busy. But that's ok, because I'm feeling very productive.

In other news, I've signed up to take tennis lessons! I've been talking about learning to play for months, so this weekend I bought a racket and a cute little tennis skirt. Ladies, listen to me: tennis skirts are VERY flattering. How did I live 35 years without knowing this!? B & I have been going to the tennis courts in our neighborhood the past couple of nights and hitting for an hour or so, and I've LOVED it! I played some in high school, but I haven't picked up a racket in 18 years. So tonight after dinner we went by the Y and signed me up for some "novice" lessons. "Novice." Ha ha--they have no idea.

We're also planning to start going to spin class a couple nights a week together. I'm scared.

Not much else going on at Chez Lancaster. We're heading home to Florida on Thursday for a long 4th of July weekend, and we're both really looking foward to it.

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend!

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