Wednesday, September 30, 2009

One Month!

Dear Henry,

Today you are one month old! We are so blessed to have you in our lives and can't believe you've been with us for a month already. Everyone has told us that this newborn stage flies by--it's hard to believe when you are in the midst of it, but it's true. Time is passing too quickly already and you are growing too fast!

Here are some of the things your Dad and I want to remember about you at one month of age:

  • You haven't learned to sleep much at night! You are up at least every two hours to eat, which makes for a very tired Mommy. Some nights you won't sleep in your bassinet and sleep on Mommy's chest instead.

  • You are a good napper, but you won't nap in your crib or in your pack-n-play--only on Mom's chest or in your bouncy seat. You nap very well in your carseat, but that makes Mom nervous, so we don't do it often.

  • Speaking of carseats, you LOVE your carseat and the car. Rides in the car put you right to sleep, as do any trips out on errands--you will sleep for hours.

  • You love walks in your stroller. You try to stay awake to take in all the sights, but that doesn't usually last long before sleep takes over. We have been taking lots of walks as a family, including The Luce.

  • You love your playmat, any kind of music (which makes you dance), your Dad's voice, lights, your pacifier, nursing, lying in your crib (although not sleeping there) and being outside.

  • You have not had many visitors because your Mom is paranoid about illness. Mostly your family so far, but hopefully that will change soon because we can't wait to introduce you to everyone! You haven't been to church yet because your doctor said to wait a while for that, but not much longer.

  • You have been out with us on a few errands and your first visit to a restaurant was dinner at Cheeseburger Charlie's!

We are so grateful to have you in our lives, Henry, and we are so looking forward to watching you grow and seeing how you change as the months go by!

All our love,
Mom & Dad

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