Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our Little Sweet Pea is 2 Months Old!

Dear Henry,

You are two months old! Where has the time gone? Your personality is really showing now and you are so much fun!

Here are some of the things your Dad and I want to remember about you at two months of age:

  • You are sleeping better at night, but not consistently. Some nights you give us up to five hours of uninterrupted sleep! Some nights you don't. :(

  • These days you still nap mostly while one of us is holding you and sometimes in your swing or bouncy seat. The carseat is no longer a favorite place.

  • You are not only smiling at us, but also laughing and "talking." Your excited baby screeches make us laugh, especially when we get them in the middle of the night while your diaper is being changed. I'm not sure what is so funny about that, but you find it highly amusing. Maybe you're laughing at the fact that you're making us get up in the middle of the night to clean up your poo.

  • Your crib is still one of your favorite places to hang out.

  • You still hate tummy time, but we have to do it a little each day. You are pushing up on your hands now and can roll from your belly to your back on your own, which really impressed Dr. Rauth when you did it right on her exam table!

  • You are tracking sounds very well and can follow the sound of our voices when we're in the room with you.

  • You now love your swing, which was not a favorite at all until about 2 wks ago.

  • We are starting to get out a bit more, and one of your first "public appearances" was a visit to Dad's office for the annual HealthScream Halloween party. You were a huge hit!

  • We celebrated your first Halloween, and I think it was a bit much for you. Too much noise and commotion when you are used to a pretty quiet house at night. Next year you'll be ready for it!

We have a lot of exciting milestones coming up for your as the holidays approach. We are so grateful to have you as part of our family for them this year and can't wait to see what the next couple of months bring!

All our love,
Mom & Dad

1 comment:

EmmyJMommy said...

Dear Henry! I can't believe you are 2 months old and I haven't even gotten to hold you yet! But, know that your Aunt Emmy already loves you and is waiting to pamper you with lots of love and kisses when we finally do meet!!!!