Tuesday, December 8, 2009

3 Months Old!

Dear Henry,

You are three months old (+ one week...Mom is a tad behind)!

It seems like just yesterday we brought you home from the hospital, and now we are starting to pack away clothes you've outgrown!

Here are some of things we want to remember about you at this age:

  • You are sleeping through the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the technical definition, anyway. Ever since we unswaddled you and moved you into your crib (from the bassinet) you have been sleeping so much better. Most nights you go down to bed at about 9:30pm--some nights you sleep through until 6:30am, but mostly you get up sometime between 1:30am and 4:30am to eat, then sleep until about 7:30am.
  • The latest, most exciting development is that you've given us your first belly laugh!! It happened for the first time while Granny Margaret was playing with you while she was here visiting for Thanksgiving. What a cutie you are when you laugh!
  • You have also started to play with toys. You love your Winkle the most right now, because it's easy for you to grab onto, and you can get it into your mouth. You've also discovered the toys that hang down from your activity mat--you especially love the whale and you get frustrated when you can't get it into your mouth. Which brings us to the next point...
  • You put EVERYTHING into your mouth. All of a sudden, you love to chew! We thought this meant that teeth might not be far behind, but both of your Grannies tell us it could be a while.
  • You have started to notice Miss Lucy and you watch her a lot.
  • Your love for television has grown...you could probably be entertained by it for hours if we let you.
  • You have started to pull Mom's hair.
  • You are holding your head up so steadily now and you can sit upright assisted very well. You like to sit next to Dad on the couch and watch TV.

You are growing and changing at an amazing rate these days...we love all the new changes, and although we're sad to see you "growing up," it's very exciting for us to watch you learn new things and develop.

We can't wait to see what the next month brings!

All our love,
Mom & Dad

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