Wednesday, March 31, 2010




Dear Henry,

You are seven months old! And since Mom skipped last month's post (oops!) we have a lot of catching up to do.

I really don't know where to start. Sometime in the last few weeks it was like we woke up one day and someone had replaced our itty bitty baby with a bright, curious, super-active little guy. You have changed so much in the last two months that it's hard to put into words how different you are and our life is now.

Here are a few of the things we want to remember about you at this age:

  • The week you turned six months old we moved you into your nursery!! We were sad, but you have loved being in your own room and you sleep wonderfully in there at night. Naps are a different story. We'll just leave it at that!

  • Right around the time you turned six months old, you started sitting on your own! This was a huge milestone and it seemed to change the way you looked at the world. Now you hate lying on your back. For this reason, I assume, you still can't roll from your back to your belly.

  • You've started babbling a lot, both talking to us and "fussing" at us. You've learned to make all sort of sounds with your mouth and you like to practice all day long. You screech a lot, at the top of your lungs, often in the direction of Lucy because she's not paying attention to you.

  • You started eating solids about a week before you were six months old. You started with rice cereal, but quickly moved on to fruits and veggies. Your favorite food from the beginning was carrots. Other foods you're fond of: sweet potatoes, blueberries, apples, yogurt, oatmeal, avocado. Foods you're not fond of (but you still eat them): sweet peas, green beans, banana. You've also had a few tastes of our table food, like roasted carrots, hummus (loved!), bread and cheese. Currently you normally eat oatmeal w/fruit for breakfast; a veggie and fruit for lunch; a veggie mixed with cereal + sometimes a fruit for dinner. You love to eat!

  • You're still a breastfed baby but we're slowly switching over to formula. Currently you nurse three times a day and get a bottle two times a day.

  • About a week before you turned seven months old you pulled up to standing for the first time, but you haven't done it again since.

  • You very actively play with your toys now. You still love Sophie, but now you also really love interactive toys that sing or play music.

  • You still love to be read to, but mostly you just want to eat the books.

  • You have started to really notice when we're gone and seem overjoyed when we return to you. It's so amazing to see your face light up when we walk into a room!
Life with a baby is getting much easier for us now. You are sleeping better, you're much more flexible and easier to handle. We feel like we're really getting the hang of this parent thing now.

Spring has come to Nashville, our long winter indoors is over, and we're so looking forward to the coming months!

All our love,

Mom & Dad

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