Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Dear Henry,

All of a sudden, in what seems like the blink of an eye, you are 8 MONTHS OLD!

It was a busy month and you are getting to be one busy little boy.

  • The biggest physical milestone this month was that you FINALLY learned to roll to your belly!! This has greatly improved your daytime napping.
  • There was one HUGE sleep milestone, as you started to consistently sleep through the night with no wakings!
  • You are officially a completely formula-fed baby now.
  • You have started eating LOTS of table food and you absolutely do not discriminate. We have yet to find a food you won't eat.
  • You are now wearing size 18-24 month clothes!

You are growing so much, both physically and developmentally. You are just on the verge of crawling, but you can already get anywhere you want in a room by rolling. When you are finally fully mobile Mom is going to be in t-r-o-u-b-l-e.

The countdown to your first birthday (and the party planning) seems to have begun, although we are in absolutely no hurry to get there. We want to savor every, single second of this beautiful summer with our baby boy.

All our love,
Mom & Dad

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