Saturday, October 2, 2010

Welcome, Fall!

Today we kicked off our Fall family festivities by visiting Gentry's Farm in Franklin, along with our good friends, Puck and Melanie and their beautiful children, Calvin and Evelyn.

It was a picture-perfect Fall day.

Henry's pretty mobile and antsy these days, so this is as close as we ever get lately to a family picture:

He had a great time with the pumpkins....he kept poking at them, and I think he was expecting them to sing and light up like most of his toys do.

I'm not sure if Evelyn let out a burp or a curse, but whatever it was seems to have really offended Henry!

We had a fabulous time--Henry is at an age where he really enjoys outings like this. We finished up the day at Pie in the Sky pizza where Henry promptly ate part of his paper straw wrapper. He wouldn't touch his food, but he ate that. Kids are strange.

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