Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm not ready yet!!

This week I've been researching and visiting Mother's Day Out programs with the intention of enrolling Henry somewhere in the fall. It will only be a day or two a week, and I know it's will be good both for him and for me....but I'm not ready yet!

I visited a program yesterday and found out that the first day of their fall term is August 30. Henry's first birthday! The idea of facing the fact that my baby is a whole year old AND sending him of to "school" for the first time is enough to send me over the emotional edge! I think if we choose that program he'll be skipping the first day.

But he loves being around other children and Lucy's just not cutting it. I know he will love, love, love MDO, and I also know that I'll eventually love having time to myself.

One of my neighbors told me a story about a friend of hers who enrolled her baby in a MDO program for one day a week, because she just couldn't bear the thought of sending him "away" for two whole days. About a month into the term she walked into the office and said, "Can I sign up for that other day now?"

Ha! I'm sure the extra time will be nice, but I have a feeling I'll be spending it folding laundry.

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