Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Surgery & Such

These past two weeks have been tough. On June 12 I underwent breast reduction surgery, something I have needed and wanted to do for many, many years. I'm hopeful it will rid me of some of the upper back and neck pain I've lived with for years, and will also allow me to lead a more active lifestyle.

The recovery has been hard on me and the whole family, but I am still glad I did it. I know the results will be worth all this in the long run.

The weekend before my surgery, we were blessed to be able to spend some family time at the pool. We wanted to make that happen, because the kids love, love, love it, and I am banned from the pool until four weeks post-op.

That Monday, the day before my surgery, we had a HUGE surprise delivered for the kids. Henry had no idea it was coming and I'm  pretty sure he felt like he'd hit the preschool jackpot. We were so excited to do this for them and I know they will get years of enjoyment from it. The newness has not worn off and they both stand at the back door begging to go out and play every, single day. I can't even begin to count the amount of time Barry has spent pushing them on those swings and guiding them down that slide since that thing was built (not by us!).  Well worth the money.

Life at the Lancaster house certainly hasn't stopped while I've been out of commission. We are so very, very lucky to have Granny Margaret and Granny Diane, who are ALWAYS ready to help us in times like these.  I certainly would not have been able to have this surgery if I wasn't able to count on their unconditional love and support.

The kids have loved having Granny Margaret staying with us the past couple of weeks. Every night Henry gets his pajamas on and then says to my mom, "Let's talk about the camper" or "Let's talk about your house," and off they go to lie in her bed together where she obliges him with stories until her voice goes hoarse. He soaks it all in and begs for more. These are the priceless moments that make such sweet memories.

We have tried to keep the kids as engaged as we can, despite the fact that I haven't felt like getting out and doing much. They have spent some time at Granny Diane's, continued to go to MDO, and on the days when they are home we have watched a lot of tv and played with a lot of Play-Doh. And on the weekends, they have reveled in extra time with Dad.

Is there anything cuter than bare baby butts?

I think not.

And just for good measure, because she's growing up way too fast, a couple of my favorite recent shots of E. I want to remember her like this always...with her beautiful, big, brown eyes, her little rosebud lips and her chunky baby thighs. Perfection.

(More from her first day of "school.")

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