Sunday, December 2, 2012

Decking the halls!

It's that most wonderful time of the year, and we are seeing it anew this year through the eyes of the kids who are VERY into the holidays and all that comes with them. For the first time this year we are doing an advent calendar, which I am really excited is the first day of advent and I'm really looking forward to counting down this season of waiting with my children, while teaching them about the Christ child.
During the past week we kicked off the week by putting up our tree. As with all things when you have a 3-yr old and almost 2-yr old in the house, we accomplished it in phases. But had oh-so-much fun doing it!

I love my family so much it makes my heart ache just looking at these photos. I could not ask for more this Christmas season than the love of my family and their good health and happiness. Truly.

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