Monday, December 10, 2012

Letters to Santa

This is the first year we've done them, and the kids were slightly less than interested. It was fun anyway.
{E was clearly more interested in the crackers.}
Of course, Henry has changed his mind about what he wants Santa to bring approximatly 5,372 times since we wrote these letters.
In other weekly news, I took Eleanor to the pedi to check a lingering diaper rash and she was diagnosed with an ear infection. Wouldn't you know it? I am constantly dragging my kids into the doctor's office thinking their ears are infected and they never are...until I unassumingly take them in for some other reason. Oh, well...I'm just glad we found was a recurring infection in the same ear from our T-giving trip to urgent care, so it's unlikely it would've healed on its own.
We have dubbed this "the greatest outfit ever." Homemade pilgrim hat, Elmo shirt (about two sizes too small) adorned with a glitter Tonka sticker (a gift E picked up at the doctor's office for her Bubba), stylish blue Target sweatpants (which have a hole in the back you can't see) and froggie rain boots. Awesome.

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